Happy Deepavali, everyone. For Malaysians, any occasion for a holiday is reason enough to rejoice, so everyone is happy :)

The festival of lights, Diwali (or Deepavali in Malaysia).
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet."
-William Shakespeare
So, what's in a brand name then? Even as we go about our daily lives, we can't ever escape the reality of the brand-conscious, material world we live in. In the news, ads, mainstream media, just everywhere we are bombarded with the subtleties that have become synonymous with the big world of Marketing.
Whether we like it or not, most of us have an ever growing compilation of the Hot or Not brands in our heads. We just can't run far enough.
Then you look at those who have made a name for themselves. Those who live on forever immortalized as a brand. Even if the person fades into history, a brand seems to live on endlessly. Famous examples, of course, abound plentifully. Just glance down the aisle in a mall and names pop up everywhere to greet you.

Chanel, named after founder Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel. My grandma calls it 'Cher-niao'.
So, what is in a brand name?
I have no idea.
Alright, prelude over. You didn't seriously think for a moment I was about to discuss materialism in the context of modern fashion, did you? Anyway, here's the story.
There's this person that I know, and she happens to be a classmate of mine. Meet Agnes Sia Hui Bing, Petronas scholar and Physics extraordinaire.

She's on the right, mind you. That person on the left IS a guy, in case you're mistaken. A great one, at that.

Pictured here in the Sri KDU Library. What are we doing camwhoring in the library? Note the SMKDJ tie. Old loyalties die hard.
Just imagine how weird it was when I found this in the bathroom. (apparently, it came free in a goodie bag sometime ago)

OMG, it's Agnesia! What would Agnes Sia say?

That's just . . . wrong.
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